Together We Share God's Love

Heading Back to Angola 12/11/2020

Heading back to our beloved Angola soon!                       12/11/2020
Just a quick update! Our next prayer letter will be coming out soon.  Firstly, we want to thank you for praying for us, encouraging us, and supporting us during our time back in the USA. 

We can’t believe how quickly our time here has flown by! It has been a whirlwind! There are so many people that we wanted to see, but with the busyness and COVID lockdowns, it often hasn’t worked out! God willing, we will be returning to Angola on January 9th. Because of lockdowns and COVID exposures, all of our gatherings in the Twin Cities were cancelled. If you were one of the people that we did not get to see, and you would like to meet with us virtually or in person, please let us know!

For those who did not have a chance to hear us speak about our first term in Angola, we are sending a link to a video in which we shared at Lakes Area Vineyard Church last month:
We begin speaking after worship and announcements, around 35:20. 

We have been so privileged to participate in what God is doing in Angola and we couldn’t do it without you! Thank you for making it possible for us to share God’s love and the Good News with precious lives!
As Christmas approaches and we are reminded of the story of God so loving the world that He sent His only Son…  let’s remember so many precious lives who have not heard the Good News in a way that they can understand and who are living and dying without Him!
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