Together We Share God's Love

Prayer Letter 12/21/2017

De Souza’s Prayer letter 12/21/17

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

John 3:17

THANK YOU!!! – to each one that has prayed, encouraged us, helped with various fundraisers or house projects, contributed financially…  We are blown away by the team of compassionate people that have decided to join us in this journey to reach Angola with the saving hope of Jesus! We are preparing for take off!

Launch Fund Monthly Financial Goals

Since our last letter, our launch fund has increased from 46% to 78%!  We are astounded by God’s provision and your generosity!  Praise the Lord, and THANK YOU to each one that has sacrificially given!  These funds will help us get to the field…plane tickets, vaccines, visas, a vehicle in Angola, and house set-up expenses.  Each financial gift brings us one step closer to reaching precious lives in Angola with God’s saving love and hope!. Monthly or recurrent giving is a HUGE way you can impact the people of Angola with the love of God! This is what will sustain our family over our first term in Angola – 2.5 years.  We have been so immensely blessed over the last couple of months to see our team of monthly partners grow!  Would you prayerfully consider claiming one of the gray people (in the image above) to share God’s love and hope with precious lives who are living and dying without it? Why Medical Missions?

Jesus healed every kind of disease and illness.  Matthew 9:35-36 states that he was moved with compassion when He saw the crowds because they were “harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd.”  We want to use the skills He has given us to minister the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, opening doors for the saving message of the Gospel.  De Little Delightful De Souza’s

Fall has been a busy and fun time in the De Souza household!  We went on several trips to the Twin Cities to share with friends, families, the Brazilian church and Jocelyn’s childhood school.  It has been wonderful catching up with loved-ones and meeting new friends! We also went on a trip to Chicago to deal with the Brazilian Consulate.  Downtown Chicago was quite the experience for our “country kids!”

Three of the kids had birthdays.  God gave the boys snow for their birthdays for the first time!  They were so happy since they won’t have snow in Angola!  Cienna thoroughly enjoyed being the center of attention on her birthday, although she is usually the center of attention anyway!
We see our calling for missions as a calling for the whole family!  When God placed our children in our family, He knew that they would be part of the team as we move overseas to share the love of Christ.   This is what the boys had to say about our rapidly approaching move:

Tiago (10): “I am happy to obey what Jesus said in Mark 16:15 ‘Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.’ I will miss my family and friends, though, and I hope you will write to me!”

Matteus (8): “I am excited to go to Angola, but I’m not sure if I will like the food. I tried a fried cricket during missions training. It was pretty good, until I got to the MUSHY part!” The Next Steps in Our Journey We will continue to meet with individuals, families, small groups, and churches.  If you would like to hear more and possibly become involved through prayer and/or financial support, please contact us!  We would love to meet with you or your small group or church!  Together, we can let God use us to make an eternal impact in Angola!

Our biggest challenge now will be obtaining visas for Angola!  We found out that the whole family will have to go to Washington D.C. for this!  We are planning to take this trip in January.  We also need to “stop back in” at the Brazilian consulate in Chicago and Eduardo needs to go to Mexico City to have his medical diploma legalized through the Angolan Consulate.  Please pray for safe travels and efficient processing of all of this! How Can You Be Involved?  You Can Join Our Ministry Team!
We can’t do this on our own! We need partners who will stand with us through prayer and financial support. Together, we can share God’s love and the Gospel message with the people of Angola. Will you prayerfully consider how God is asking you to get involved?  Please contact us if you have any questions or would like further information about this!  All gifts are tax deductible.
  Click Here to Join Our Ministry Team!
To Give Online without Using the Above Link:
1. Visit:
2.  Enter Eduardo or Jocelyn De Souza
3. Enter Missionary #044522
Can’t give online? Send checks to: SIM USA, PO Box 7900, Charlotte, NC 28241
Please write “De Souza #044522” in the memo line.
Please Pray for Us! For Safe Travels, Efficiency and God’s Favor in obtaining visas, tickets, etc. For Continued Financial Provision For Smooth Transitions for Our Children and Ourselves – We are already feeling mixed emotions – excitement to be in Angola, and sadness about saying “Goodbye” to family and friends!  Also, please pray for the grandparents as they prepare for our departure! For Angola – Please pray for CEML Hospital, the Missionaries there, and the Precious People to whom they are Ministering. How Can We Pray for You? We would also like to keep you in our prayers.  Please let us know how we can be praying for you!

We wish you a
Merry Christmas 
and a blessed 2018!

With Love,

The De Souza Family Our Story
  Who are we?  We are just regular people, saved by our awesome God!  We would have been completely lost and broken if it were not for the saving love and grace of God.  To see a film of our story please click on this link:  We have learned that no matter the depths of pain we have felt, no matter the mess we have made of our lives, we are never so lost that His grace can’t save us.  There is always hope in Jesus!

Stay in Touch   Our Mailing Address:

14512 Shoreline Ln.
Lake Park, MN 56554
  Phone: 218-204-1334

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