De Souza’s Prayer letter 7/20/18 You Are Invited to a Send-Off Party! Where: Camp Joy, 32521 380th St. Dent, MN 56528 (218)234-5948 When: July 28th at 12:00 PM RSVP: If you will be able to come, please text or call Jocelyn at (218) 204-1334 or send an email to Mark Faus, former CEO of CEML Hospital, and his wife, Jana, will be with us! We will have a pot-bless lunch at 12:00 followed by a brief time of sharing by Mark Faus and ourselves. Finally we will pray together for our upcoming travels and transition to our new home in Angola. Following there will be free time to visit and enjoy the lake. Please bring a dish to share and swimwear if you’d like to swim. ![]() Serving the poorest of the poor in Angola This map shows the satellite clinics, hospitals, and government posts served by CEML ( patients are brought in to the hospital and medical staff are flown out to the villages. In English, the name of CEML would be “Evangelical Medical Center of Lubango.” We are so excited to work with and learn from the experienced staff at CEML! They are doing what they do because they love the Lord and want to share His love and hope! The Countdown: 17 Days Until We JUMP IN!! ![]() After the resurrection, the disciples decided to go fishing. From the boat, they saw a figure on shore. John 21:7 “Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!’ As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, ‘It is the Lord,’ he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water.” Why did Peter jump into the water? …to impress the others? …to earn Jesus’ love and respect? …because he got pushed? No! None of these reasons would be enough to sustain him on the exciting, and often difficult, road ahead. He jumped in because He loved and trusted Jesus and knew that following Him is where he wanted to be! We are standing at the edge of the boat, about to jump! The boat feels secure and familiar, but Jesus is calling us to trust Him and jump into the water! Our love for Him and our trust in His love for us is what will sustain us for the long haul! Surely we will pass through both smooth and rough waters, but He has promised to never leave us and never forsake us! Is He calling you to jump, too? His plan will be so worth it! Don’t let the familiar cause you to miss His best for you! Ready? LET’S GO!!! Updates on our Journey: We leave on August 6th! ![]() We got our visas! Thank you to all who were praying! We have never experienced such a complicated visa process! We had stacks of paperwork translated and legalized, tried to be patient as we waited for our invitation letter from Angola, then traveled to the Angolan consulate in Houston to apply. There we had to run around and scrounge up more paperwork, but before we knew it, our passports and visas arrived in the mail! PTL! Prayer and Financial Support Levels: We have been cleared to go! To those of you who have not become involved,there is still plenty of room on the team! First, we need dedicated prayer partners. We will be facing tough situations, spiritually, emotionally and physically. We need those of you who would be willing to stand in the gap for us! Second, we still need those of you who would be willing to give financially. We can’t all go, but most of us can give! Our main financial need is for monthly or recurrent givers, but any amount, in any frequency is a huge blessing to us and to the people we will serve. Please prayerfully consider how God would have you get involved! *All gifts are tax-deductible THANK YOU to so many of you who have chosen to be part of this team through prayer and/or financial support, sharing the love of Christ to the needy and the message of the Gospel to those who are living and dying without it! We can’t do this without you!!! Click Here to Join Our Ministry Team! To Give Online without Using the Above Link: 1. Visit: 2. Enter Eduardo or Jocelyn De Souza 3. Enter Missionary #044522 Can’t give online? Send checks to: SIM USA, PO Box 7900, Charlotte, NC 28241 Please write “De Souza #044522” in the memo line. Please Pray for Us! For the Lord’s Guidance and Help with all of the Details Ahead of Us. We will be jumping off the boat and into the plane on Aug. 6th! Between now and then, please pray as we pack (no easy feat for a family of 6 moving overseas), and say difficult “goodbyes.” Then, please pray for travel mercies – safety, peace, and endurance! We are scheduled to arrive in Namibia on Aug. 8th, stay overnight, and then fly from Namibia to Angola on Aug. 9th. For Smooth Transitions for Our Children and Ourselves. Please pray for peace, health and protection (physical, emotional and spiritual). Also pray for Jocelyn’s parents as it will be hard for them to see us move so far away. For Angola. Please pray for CEML Hospital, the missionaries there, and the precious people to whom they are ministering. For Financial Provision. Pray that the Lord would touch the hearts of those that would join our team to share God’s love in Angola. How Can We Pray for You? We would also like to keep you in our prayers. Please let us know how we can be praying for you! De Little Delightful De Souza’s ![]() The kids are enjoying another Minnesota summer! They are having a blast doing all the things a child in Minnesota is supposed to do in the summer: fishing, swimming, camping, and spending time with grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and friends! Please pray that the Lord would comfort their hearts as they say some tough “Goodbyes.” ![]() ![]() |
![]() May the Lord bless you and keep you! With Love, The De Souza Family *We are looking forward to writing our next letter from Angola!!! |
Our Story Who are we? We are just regular people, saved by our awesome God! We would have been completely lost and broken if it were not for the saving love and grace of God. To see a film of our story please click on this link: We have learned that no matter the depths of pain we have felt, no matter the mess we have made of our lives, we are never so lost that His grace can’t save us. There is always hope in Jesus! ![]() Stay in Touch Our Mailing Address: 14512 Shoreline Ln. Lake Park, MN 56554 Phone: 218-204-1334 E-mail: |
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